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Country - USA / duration - 152 minute / / Actor - Ewan McGregor / directed by - Mike Flanagan / Genre - Thriller


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Free Movie Doctor Sleep 2019 Download Website Without registration open. Free Movie Doctor Sleep 2019 Download Website Without registration page. I went into this movie with high hopes. Being a big Shining fan and lifelong Stephen King reader, this was something that I had eagerly anticipated for some time. Unfortunately, the film was largely disappointing. It's not that this is a bad movie - it isn't - but neither can it be considered a highly rated one. Frustratingly, it languished somewhere in between, with some very good parts to it, but as a whole the film is let down by some poor casting, editing and clunky direction. Such flaws, unfortunately, impact the flow of the plot and keep pulling the viewer back from becoming totally absorbed by the story.
The film's pacing is uneven, particularly in the opening half of the movie. There is no sense of dread or atmosphere for large sections and thereafter, the rest of the movie clearly struggles to raise the tension level sufficiently. In truth, it never really recovers.
The casting/direction of Rose is fatal to entire movie. How can one forgive the plot's primary foil being so lacking in any sort of sinister threat? The part is poorly casted, acted and directed. The rest of her gang were also, for the most part, afflicted with a similar lack of effectiveness. They're just not scary. It's a huge problem.
The baseball boy scene didn't fit with the overall story. It felt unnecessarily gratuitous - its effect was to introduce a level of grim violence that was fatally lacking in the necessary scariness/fright that one might hope for and expect. It felt more like something from Breaking Bad than Stephen King - again, the scene was infected with a lack of fright.
Finally, the use of lookalikes for the original Shining characters doesn't work at all. The use of a Jack Nicholson doppleganger, in particular, was something that yanked the whole movie theatre from its engagement with the story. The scene at the bar was a poorly performed and utterly misguided addition to the script. They should have considered using nicholson himself for that part, even though that may have presented its own problems. At least the acting would have been better.
To be fair, it wasn't all bad. McGregor and Curran are excellent. The nods to the original movie/book are well handled. However, the positives do not come close to offsetting the negatives and ultimately the general sense in the movie theatre was one of disappointment. A decent handful of people actually walked out at various stages. Never a great sign but in truth one could hardly blame them. The flaws are so apparent early on in the film, that one quickly realises that they won't be overcome.
Disappointingly average.

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